It is very important of course, that pipers taking part in the Award stay safe and well throughout.

Please find below the policies called ‘Protection of Children and Young People’. You and your adult Guide must read these before you get started, and always consider safety carefully when planning your activities.

Clicking on the links below will download a copy for you to read offline. You can also read them in full by clicking the headings below.

  1. Music Enterprise Award: Protection of Children and Young People Policy
  2. The SSPDT Protection of Children and Young People Policy
  3. SSPDT Data Protection policy

Music Enterprise Award: Protection of Children and Young People Policy



Adults, including parent/ guardian Guides and tutors, must follow this Policy when carrying out activities relating to the Music Enterprise Award.

It is the intention of the Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust (SSPDT) that all children and young people are kept safe from harm when carrying out the Award.

SSPDT staff will discuss this Policy with adult Guides and ensure that tutors and other adults involved with the Award have copies of the Policy.

The SSPDT also follows its own Protection of Children and Young People Policy which can be found on the website

While a young person is undertaking the Music Enterprise Award, any adult who has close and/ or unsupervised access to the young person, must be a member of Disclosure Scotland’s Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVGS), unless the young person is the adult’s own child.  SSPDT can organise this.



In this Policy, ‘MEA’ or ‘Award’ means the ‘Music Enterprise Award’.

Children and/ or young people are people up to and including school age.

Adults are people aged 18 and over.

SSPDT is the Scottish Schools Pipes and Drums Trust.

‘Guide’ is the Parent or Guardian (usually) or Adult who, by agreement with SSPDT, signs up to be the participant’s Guide during the Award.  Information about the role of the Guide can be found in the Music Enterprise Award Guidelines.



  • Fundraising activities – these are likely to include busking, paid gigs, performances and more.
  • Communications with adults who are known to participants, and with adults who are unknown (in companies or organisations, or during events, in person and online).
  • Interactions on online platforms, including social media and/or websites, for information, publicity and messaging.

All of these activities carry risks.  These risks could include, for example:

Busking  – aggressive members of the public, donations being stolen, traffic safety

Communications – an adult gets hold of the contact email or phone of a child or young person, or their social media profile, or their address, and engages with them inappropriately.  A child or young person sees unsuitable material online.

Performances – the location does not have fire exits or procedures, the stage is unsafe, there is inadequate adult supervision, there is risk of abuse from members of the public, there are risks from traffic or proximity to water.

Finance – money is stolen from the young person, either through banking fraud or by taking cash during an event, or when a child or young person is transporting cash.

Practice and performance – all pipers, and those playing alongside the bagpipes, must wear ear plugs to protect their hearing.



Adult MEA Guides, and parents/ guardians must abide by these measures, as well as being alert to other risks that may harm the child or young person.

The Guide must discuss and agree all Award activities in advance with the young person before they carry them out, keeping safety in mind. 

Young people aged up to 12 years

  • must not use Facebook or other social media platforms to promote their activities. They can access SSPDT’s website for information, tips and help.

It is at the Guide’s discretion whether young person uses Facebook and other social media when they are aged 13 or over.  The Guide must discuss risks with the young person,

Young people aged up to 16 years

  • must have their adult Guide present in meetings, both online and in-person; this can be at the beginning and end of a meeting.
  • must use their Guide’s email and telephone number to communicate with adults about the Award. They must not use their own devices to communicate with adults.

It is at the discretion of the Parent/ Guardian Guide whether a young person in their charge aged 16 or over, may meet with, and communicate with adults during the Award, unsupervised.



Adults supporting the MEA will maintain the highest standards of conduct and will be vigilant about the well-being and protection of the children and young people.

Adults will:

  • Provide a good example of acceptable behaviour.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Ensure that players always have suitable ear protection. If in doubt, refer to SSPDT’s website and the film about hearing protection.
  • Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of children and young people.
  • Provide time for children and young people to talk and listen to what they say.
  • Encourage children and young people to respect and care for others.
  • Take action to stop any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour including bullying.
  • Never make suggestive, discriminative or inappropriate remarks to or about a child or young person.
  • Never engage in inappropriate physical contact with children or young people. Inappropriate physical contact could be unnecessary contact or contact which could be seen to encroach on an individual’s space in a way that could make them feel uncomfortable.  Where physical contact/ assistance is appropriate (for example, when adjusting a chanter or drumstick hold, or providing first-aid to a child), always explain to the individual what is going to happen, to ensure that actions cannot be misinterpreted.
  • Avoid being alone with children or young people (unless parent/ guardian), and at least stay within sight and hearing of other adults.
  • Never enter a child or young person’s home, but if this is unavoidable, a parent or guardian must always be present.
  • Ensure that a designated adult is responsible for each child or young person at all SSPDT and MEA related activities.
  • Take all concerns/ allegations seriously.
  • Refer concerns/ allegations to the Child Protection contact at the pupil’s school and to the Chief Executive of SSPDT. If you are concerned that the child or young person is in immediate danger, you must contact the police on 999.
  • An adult must never take a young person (who is not the adult’s own child) alone on vehicle journeys.
  • If it is unavoidable to take a child or young person alone in a car, written permission from the child or young person’s parent or guardian prior to the journey must be obtained and the parent or guardian must be clearly informed about the purpose of the journey/s.
  • If, under a duty of care, an adult has to take a child or young person alone in a car, for example if a child is not picked up from an event, the adult must either speak with the parent/ guardian or with the SSPDT Chief Executive, or if these are not contactable, the adult must speak with the police and let them know about the planned journey and inform the same when the journey is completed and the child is safe.
  • Always tell a child’s parent or guardian, or the piping tutor, or SSPDT’s Chief Executive, if you are transporting children or young people, give details of the route and the anticipated length of the journey.
  • Ensure all vehicles are correctly insured.
  • Ensure all reasonable safety measures are taken, e.g. children/young people are in the back seat where possible, seatbelts are worn etc.
  • Anyone who is aware that a child or young person may have become inappropriately attracted to an adult (including themselves) or other adult must bring this to the attention of SSPDT’s Chief Executive.
  • Similarly, anyone who is aware that an adult (including themselves) or any other adult may have become inappropriately attracted to a pupil, must bring this to the SSPDT Chief Executive.



If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger, please contact the police on 999.

Any adult who has concerns about the wellbeing of a child or young person in relation to any of the points in this policy, and/or who thinks that a child or young person is being abused (see Appendix A for definitions of abuse), but is not in immediate danger, you must report the concerns as soon as possible to the SSPDT Child Protection Officer.

The SSPDT Child Protection Officer is Alex Duncan, Chief Executive. She can be contacted on 07906 102 009.

You may also wish to contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.



If a child discloses abuse, remember that this may be the beginning of a legal process, as well as of a process of recovery for the child.  Legal action against a perpetrator can be seriously damaged by any suggestion that the child has been led in any way.   The way you talk to a child in such situations may affect the evidence that is put forward if the case goes to court.  It is important that you do not jump to conclusions, ask leading questions, or put words in a child’s mouth.

  • Stay calm, do not be shocked, and try to act normally.
  • Make sure that there is a quiet space available to talk, free from distractions.
  • Allow the child or young person to speak freely, without interruption, but do not question them or attempt to investigate.
  • Make a written record of all details of the facts known at the time or as soon as possible in the child or young person’s own words.
  • Offer support and reassurance; assure the child/young person that they are being taken seriously.
  • Explain that you cannot keep the disclosure a secret and that you will speak to a safe person about it. Never promise a child/young person that you can keep what they tell you a secret.
  • Refer the matter to the SSPDT’s Chief Executive. Provide the written record to them.
  • If the child/young person is in imminent danger, contact the police.
  • In all cases, the adult must refer the matter – and must not try to deal with possible cases of abuse or of any matter relevant to this policy, on their own.


The Protection of Children and Young People Policy




SSPDT is committed to the well-being and protection of children and young people.  We recognise our obligations to protect children and young people and will ensure that all adults carrying out work on behalf of SSPDT will take reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation.


SSPDT is also has a duty of care of its employees and we recognise our obligation to provide the overarching principles that guides our approach to protect all children and young people from abuse. We aim to ensure that adults are clear about how to identify and respond to concerns about child welfare and wellbeing; and that adults understand the importance of prevention in responding proactively and efficiently to all concerns.


This policy is in line with The National Guidance for Child Protection in Scotland, 2014; please see Appendix A for further information.  This policy is also in line with the values and views of the “Getting it right for Every Child” (GIRFEC) approach.



For the purposes of this policy, a ‘child’ or ‘young person’ is anyone aged up to 18 years, plus anyone aged up to 19 years who is a school pupil.


Adults referred to in this policy are anyone aged 18 or over who work for or who represent SSPDT, in the capacity of staff, interns, contractors and volunteers.


‘Child protection’ means protecting a child from child abuse or neglect. Abuse or neglect need not have taken place; it is enough for a risk assessment to have identified a likelihood or risk of significant harm from abuse or neglect.


‘Child abuse’ and ‘neglect’ are forms of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting, or by failing to act to prevent, significant harm to the child.  Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional setting, by those known to them or, more rarely, by a stranger.  Assessments will need to consider whether abuse has occurred or is likely to occur.

There are four main categories of abuse, Physical, Emotional, Sexual and Neglect.  Please see appendix A for signs and symptoms of some of the ways in which abuse may be experienced by a child or young person. Please be aware that appendix A is not an exhaustive list, as individual circumstances may vary.

Main activities in relation to children and young people

SSPDT’s main activities regarding children and young people constitute:

  • The awarding of grants to organisations that support children and young people.
  • The organisation and running of the Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships.
  • The employment of tutors who work in school settings.
  • Engagement of a range of associates including contractors, interns and volunteers, some of whom may be under the age of 18.
  • Publicity through a range of channels the internet and social media.


Code of Good Practice  



  • SSPDT will ensure that its recruitment procedures take account of the need to protect children and young people.
  • Two references will be taken up for all successful candidates prior to a formal offer of paid employment or voluntary work, and where appropriate referees will be asked to comment on the applicant’s suitability to work with children and young people.
  • Where relevant to a paid/voluntary post or internship, any engagement by SSPDT will be made subject to the adult being a member of Disclosure Scotland’s Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVGS).
  • SSPDT will remove any person from working with children and young people on behalf of SSPDT who is deemed by Disclosure Scotland to be unsuitable for work with children or vulnerable groups.
  • SSPDT will ensure that, where relevant, people who are contracted by SSPDT on a self-employed basis will be members of Disclosure Scotland’s Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme.
  • Where there is evidence of harmful behaviour towards children by employees or volunteers working with SSPDT, this will be reported to Disclosure Scotland.
  • Employed tutors and interns will undergo Child Protection Level 1 training through the Local Education Authority in which they work.
  • All employees working with children and young people will undergo refresher Child Protection Level 1 online refresher course every two years.
  • SSPDT will ensure that all employees, interns and volunteers, and where relevant people who are contracted to SSPDT, will be provided with a copy of this policy, and an induction process will include information and training on this policy.



Recipients of SSPDT grants must have a suitable Child Protection Policy.  SSPDT will require confirmation of this in all cases before making an award.



We will maintain the highest standards of conduct and will be vigilant about the well-being and protection of the children and young people in our care.  We will:


  • Provide a good example of acceptable behaviour.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Ensure that players always have suitable ear protection. If in doubt, refer to SSPDT’s website and the film about hearing protection.
  • Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of children and young people.
  • Provide time for children and young people to talk and listen to what they say.
  • Encourage children and young people to respect and care for others.
  • Take action to stop any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour including bullying.
  • Never make suggestive, discriminative or inappropriate remarks to or about a child or young person.
  • Never engage in inappropriate physical contact with children or young people. Inappropriate physical contact could be unnecessary contact or contact which could be seen to encroach on an individual’s space in a way that could make them feel uncomfortable.  Where physical contact/ assistance is appropriate (for example, when adjusting a chanter or drumstick hold, or providing first-aid to a child), always explain to the individual what is going to happen, to ensure that actions cannot be misinterpreted.
  • Avoid favouritism or singling out of troublemakers.
  • Avoid being alone with children or young people, or at least stay within sight and hearing of other adults.
  • Never enter a child or young person’s home, but if this is unavoidable, a parent or guardian must always be present.
  • Ensure that a designated adult is responsible for each child or young person at all SSPDT related activities.
  • Take all concerns/ allegations seriously.
  • Refer concerns/ allegations to the Child Protection contact at the pupil’s school and to the Chief Executive of SSPDT. If you are concerned that the child or young person is in immediate danger, you must contact the police on 999.


Journeys taken in a vehicle

  • Always tell a colleague if you are transporting children or young people, give details of the route and the anticipated length of the journey.


  • Never take children or young people alone on vehicle journeys.
    • If it is unavoidable to take a child or young person alone in a car, for example when a work experience pupil travels with a tutor, written permission from the child or young person’s parent or guardian prior to the journey must be obtained and the parent or guardian must be clearly informed about the purpose of the journey/s.
    • If, under a duty of care to the child, an adult has to take a child or young person alone in a car, for example if a child is not picked up from an event, the adult must either speak with a head teacher or depute of the child’s school or with a nominated Child Protection Officer, or if these are not contactable, the adult must speak with the police and let them know about the planned journey and inform the same when the journey is completed and the child is safe.
  • Ensure all vehicles are correctly insured.
  • Ensure all reasonable safety measures are taken, e.g. children/young people are in the back seat where possible, seatbelts are worn etc.



  • Provide a teaching environment that promotes the comfort and safety of both students and tutors, including:
    • maintaining a clear pathway to the door, (tutors should avoid working between the pupil(s) and the door).
    • avoidance of coverage of any windows within the room or the door if working in a one-to-one situation.  If the room does not have a window, then the door should be kept open.
    • Where a private conversation is necessary it should take place in a space visible by others e.g. in a room with an interior window.


Tutor/ pupil relationship 

  • Anyone who is aware that a child or young person may have become inappropriately attracted to a tutor (including themselves) or other adult must bring this to the attention of the Head Teacher or Depute of the pupil’s school, and to SSPDT’s Chief Executive.
  • Similarly, anyone who is aware that a tutor (including themselves) or any other adult may have become inappropriately attracted to a pupil, must bring this to the attention of the Head Teacher or Depute of the pupil’s school and to the SSPDT Chief Executive.
  • Where it appears that working relations between a child or young person and a tutor may be starting to break down, the Head Teacher of the pupil’s school and the SSPDT Chief Executive must be informed and a process put in place to monitor the situation to ensure the relationship does not deteriorate further.


Online teaching

Whenever a tutor conducts online teaching the tutor and a monitor/ manager must each carry out the following measures.


The tutor must obtain written permission from the parent/ carer in advance which includes the days and times of lessons, and confirmation from the parent/ carer that an adult of 18 or older will be present in the room (a family space) during teaching.


The Online Teaching Log (OLL) must be filled out by the tutor before lessons start, shared with the monitor/ manager and stored by the manager.  The tutor must also update the OLL after every lesson.  The updated OLL must be shared with the monitor/ manager at the end of the week and stored by the manager.


Tutor responsibilities and actions:

  • Organises groups pupils by ability in pairs and groups. Single pupils must be taught by exception only.
  • Direct one-to-one correspondence must be sent only to the parents/ carer email address, and there must never be one-to-one private correspondence or online communication with a pupil.
  • Communication directly with pupils may only take place in an open forum such as Google Classroom where it can also be seen by others in the Classroom, or through setting assignments on and open forum such as Google Classroom. This allows tutors to set individual tasks, send pupils the link for their lesson etc.
  • The Tutor must obtain and store written permission from the parent/ carer. For example:

I, (name), parent or carer of (full name of pupil)  give my consent that s/he can take part in a (weekly/ fortnightly as appropriate) online lesson from (date e.g. 20 March) on (day) at (time – begin and end) with (name of tutor).  I confirm that a responsible adult aged 18 or over will be present in the room during the lesson, that my son/ daughter/ charge will be suitably dressed (not pyjamas), and will learn in a shared family space (such as a lounge). 

  • The Tutor must make all these permissions available to the manager.
  • When the teaching rota is confirmed, the Tutor must fill out the Online Lesson Log (OLL) showing when lessons start and end, and who is taking part. Leaves the grey columns blank and fills these out after each lesson.  The Tutor sends a copy of the OLL to the manager before lessons start.
  • The Tutor must set up the teaching online ‘room’, if possible, so that a pupil may not enter unless their lesson is on.


During the lesson the Tutor:

  • Should, if possible, enter the online ‘teaching room’ at the start of the lesson, not before, and switch on the camera; then switch off the camera and exit the ‘room’ when the lesson is over (to help ensure that there is a digital imprint of when the tutor is online in case of subsequent safeguarding investigations.)
  • Must get a visual of, and greet the parent/carer, at the beginning of the lesson.
  • Must visually check that the room is a shared family space.
  • Must close the lesson, or remove the pupil, if there are any issues of concern, for example, a pupil arrives scantily dressed or makes a suggestive comment, or a family member is not in the room.
  • By teaching in pairs or threes, there will often be oversight from other adults present in the online teaching room to help corroborate and protect the tutor and pupils.


After the lesson the Tutor must:

  • Inform the manager immediately if there were any potential safeguarding issues or concerns. For example, a pupil presented for a lesson scantily dressed, or in a bedroom, or without an adult in sight.
  • Update the OLL after every lesson, noting that the parent/ carer was in the room, and that it was a shared family space and comment about pupil conduct or any potential issues.
  • At the end of the teaching week, provide the manager/ monitor with the updated copy of the OLL.


The monitor/ manager must:

  • Before lessons start, get, and store a copy of the OLL provided by the tutor, showing time of lessons; pupil names; class; school.
  • At the end of the teaching week, get and store a copy of the updated OLL from the tutor noting for each lesson, that the parent/ carer was present, that the room was a shared family room, and any online issues that arose during the lesson or week.
  • Be able to access the written permissions from parents/ carers.
  • Must ensure that the tutor carries out the actions above.




Please also refer to the Data Protection Policy and the Information Technology Equipment Policy.


  • Requests by children to follow a main school pipe band social media profile can be accepted, but children’s social media accounts must never be added to/ connected with individual adult social media accounts.
  • Tutors must not text individual children.
  • An adult may take images of children on their personal device strictly for band purposes only. These images must be downloaded onto appropriate platforms (e.g. Edubuzz) and deleted from personal devices within 36 hours, and all images must be in line with the Data Protection policy.
  • All use of the internet by children/young people or adults whilst carrying out SSPDT work and activities must be appropriate. For the purposes of this policy, this expressly forbids visiting gambling, pornographic and equivalent other entertainment sites.
  • Adults must be vigilant that use of the internet by children and young people whilst in their care is appropriate.
  • Any concerns about inappropriate internet use must be referred to the Chief Executive and to the relevant head teacher.
  • Any concerns that images or film are being used inappropriately must be referred to the Chief Executive and to the relevant head teacher immediately.



If you believe a child or young person is in immediate danger, please contact the police on 999.


Any adult who has concerns about the wellbeing of a child or young person in relation to any of the points in this policy, and/or who thinks that a child or young person is being abused (see Appendix A for definitions of abuse), but is not in immediate danger, you must report the concerns as soon as possible to the Head Teacher or Depute teacher of the child or young person’s school, and to the SSPDT Child Protection Officer.


The SSPDT Child Protection Officer is Alex Duncan, Chief Executive. She can be contacted on 07906 102 009.

You may also wish to contact the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000.




If a child discloses abuse, remember that this may be the beginning of a legal process, as well as of a process of recovery for the child.  Legal action against a perpetrator can be seriously damaged by any suggestion that the child has been led in any way.   The way you talk to a child in such situations may affect the evidence that is put forward if the case goes to court.  It is important that you do not jump to conclusions, ask leading questions, or put words in a child’s mouth.

  • Stay calm, do not be shocked, and try to act normally.
  • Make sure that there is a quiet space available to talk, free from distractions.
  • Allow the child or young person to speak freely, without interruption, but do not question them or attempt to investigate.
  • Make a written record of all details of the facts known at the time or as soon as possible in the child or young person’s own words.  A sample reporting form is included at Appendix B.
  • Offer support and reassurance; assure the child/young person that they are being taken seriously.
  • Explain that you cannot keep the disclosure a secret and that you will speak to a safe person about it. Never promise a child/young person that you can keep what they tell you a secret.
  • Refer the matter to the Head Teacher or Depute at the pupil’s school, and SSPDT’s Chief Executive. Provide the written record to them.
  • If the child/young person is in imminent danger, contact the police.
  • In all cases, the adult must refer the matter – and must not try to deal with possible cases of abuse or of any matter relevant to this policy, on their own.
Appendix A – Signs and symptoms of potential child abuse 

Some of the main types of abuse are physical, emotional, sexual and neglect.

The Scottish Government guidance from 2014 states that ‘child abuse and neglect is the maltreatment of a child’. An individual may abuse or neglect a child or adult at risk of harm directly or may be responsible for abuse or neglect because they fail to prevent significant harm by another person. ‘Significant Harm’ is circumstances where “a child or young person’s basic needs are not being met in a manner which is appropriate to his or her individual needs and stages of development and the child is, or will be, at risk through avoidable acts of commission or omission on the part of their parent(s), sibling(s) or other relative(s) or a carer (i.e. the person(s) while not a parent who has actual custody of, charge of, or control over a child).”


Abuse is any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment or lack of care that leads to injury or harm. It commonly occurs within a relationship of trust or responsibility and is an abuse of power or a breach of trust. Abuse can happen to a child regardless of their age, gender, race, disability or ability, sexual orientation, religion or socio-economic status.


Children/young people and adults at risk of harm may be abused in a family or in residential care or in the community, including artistic and sporting activities by any individual known to them or by a stranger.


Children with disabilities are at increased risk of abuse through various factors such as stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, isolation and a powerlessness to protect themselves or adequately communicate that abuse has occurred.


The lists below are by no means exhaustive and must not be used as a checklist but are designed to give SSPDT employees some guidance on how to recognise child abuse and neglect.


Any information has to be seen in the context of the child or young person’s whole situation and circumstances. Different types of abuse may overlap or co-exist.


It may be that a child or young person may tell someone that they are being abused but they show no obvious signs. It is crucial that if a child or young person says that he/she is being abused the matter is taken seriously and passed on as a matter of urgency.


Physical Abuse – is the causing of physical harm to a child or young person.


Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning or suffocating. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of, or deliberately causes, ill health to a child they are looking after (this is known as fabricated or induces illness).


Emotional Abuse – is persistent emotional neglect or ill treatment that has severe and persistent adverse effects on a child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to a child that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate or valued only insofar as they meet the needs of another person. It may involve the imposition of age- or developmentally inappropriate expectations on a child. It may involve causing children to feel frightened or in danger or exploiting or corrupting children. Some level of emotional abuse is present in all types of ill treatment of a child; it can also occur independently of other forms of abuse.


Sexual Abuse – is any act that involves the child in any activity for the sexual gratification of another person, whether or not it is claimed that the child either consented or assented. Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic material or in watching sexual activities, using sexual language towards a child or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. Child sexual exploitation involves a young person under the age of 18 being manipulated, forced, pressurised or coerced into taking part in a sexual act in exchange for something.


Neglect – is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing, to protect a child from physical harm or danger, or to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or failure to respond to a child’s basic emotional needs. In its extreme form, children can be at serious risk from the effects of malnutrition, lack of nurturing and stimulation. This can lead to serious long-term effects such as greater susceptibility to serious childhood illnesses and reduction in potential stature. With young children in particular, the consequences may be life-threatening within a relatively short period of time.


Other areas to be aware of: 

Bullying or Cyber-Bullying – Cyberbullying, is often the same type of behaviour as other bullying, for example name-calling, spreading rumours and leaving people out, but it takes place online, on social networking sites, in chatrooms, and via mobile technologies, gaming and instant messaging platforms. The impact of this is as hurtful and damaging as other forms of bullying behaviour. Advances in technology are simply providing an alternative means of reaching people – where malicious messages were once written on school books or toilet walls, they can now be sent via mobile phone or the internet, making their reach greater, more immediate and much harder to remove or erase.


Some online behaviour is illegal. Children and young people need to be made aware of the far-reaching consequences of posting inappropriate or harmful content on forums, websites, and social networking platforms. Further information can be found at Respectme:


Child Sexual Exploitation – is a form of child sexual abuse and cannot be considered in isolation. Many of the young people who become victims have been vulnerable and at risk from an early age and remain vulnerable to other forms of abuse and neglect. Child Sexual Exploitation is a complex issue and involves a young person under the age of 18 being manipulated, forced, pressurised or coerced into taking part in a sexual act in exchange for something. Further information can be found at the Scottish Government website:


Domestic Abuse – takes the form of actions that can result in physical, sexual and psychological harm and suffering. It is widely unreported, and it is crucial that staff are aware of the signs of domestic abuse. Further information can be found at Police Scotland:


Forced marriage – is not condoned in Scotland and is considered to be an abuse of human rights. Children who are forced or subjected to emotional, physical or sexual abuse as a result, are protected by the Forced Marriage (Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Act 2011. Further information can be found by calling the forced marriage Helpline on 0800 027 1234 which is open 24 hours or by visiting:


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) – It is an offence in Scotland to carry out this procedure or carry it out (or arrange to carry it out) abroad, even in countries where it is legal. Further information on FGM can be found at:

A 24-hour FGM advice line is available through the NSPCC by calling: 0800 028 3550