“We firmly believe our Pipes and Drums project will become a major asset to the wider achievement of all schools involved. We are indebted to SSPDT for their support and willingness to believe in our project and for their continued guidance.”

Head of Expressive Arts, John Paul Academy, Glasgow

“We’re delighted to be involved in this initiative, with our young people receiving pipes and drums tuition. We’re acutely aware of the benefits for young people who play in a band: teamwork, resilience and discipline are just some of the transferable skills gained, which will help in academic study and future careers.”

Andy Smith, Head Teacher, Larkhall Academy

“SSPDT have been fundamental in the success of the project and the inclusion of all the young people learning the pipes and drums.”

Ian Broughton, Former Chair, Garnock Valley Pipes and Drums

“I’ve seen kids come in here with no self confidence and witnessed the changes that learning an instrument can bring about. It’s amazing to see what piping and drumming can do – learning a skill, making friendships that will last a lifetime, being part of something.”

Iain Watson – Piping Tutor, Govan Schools

“I am absolutely thrilled with the progress that every student has made over the last year and I am really looking forward to what this year will bring. I fully anticipate to have a small drum corps formed during this time and will continually strive to achieve the very best for the Pilrig Park High School project.”

David Murray – Drumming Tutor 

“I am very grateful to SSPDT for the loan of bagpipes. For some pupils, accessing their own pipes would be a financial impossibility and so the loan is a highly practical and important way of supporting piping among our young people. The pipes are high-quality and will be much appreciated by our pupils in Dumfries and Galloway.”

Allan MacMillan, ex-Trustee & Tutor, SWSPDA

“Young people of all ages and all abilities have benefited immeasurably from the pipe band programme at Prestonpans schools. Not only do students learn the skills of piping and/ or drumming, but they also learn many complex skills, such as teamwork, resilience, flexibility and self discipline.”

Gavin Clark, Head Teacher, Preston Lodge High School

“Our project evolved from a chance conversation with a member of the local pipe band at a Burns’ Supper and is now a fantastic, fully-fledged (and pledged) programme. We have huge community wide support, with schools being central to this.”

James O’Neil, Former Faculty Head of Music, Arran High School

“I saw the memorial march through Gorgie today and could have sworn the pipe band at the front were wearing the Tynecastle uniform. The people involved were talented, well turned out and showed the maturity and respect the occasion deserves. They were a credit to your school. Well done.”

Local spectator at the Armistice memorial march in Gorgie, Edinburgh

“We’ve been absolutely delighted with the uptake and progress of pupils in two areas that had previously proved extremely tricky for our Music Service to recruit in.”

Morag Currie – Former Youth Music Development Officer, Renfrewshire Council


We haven't yet made any grants towards tuition, or loaned bagpipes in this region but we are keen to help! Contact us here: [email protected]

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