A grant towards the purchase of bagpipes and a set of drums for tuition at Larbert High School, and in February 2021 we awarded funding towards the purchase of 30 e-chanters for use in the School of Piping and Drumming, Falkirk Council Pipe Band and cluster primary schools.
The loan of 12 sets of pipes over three years.
The loan of four sets of bagpipes, initially for two years, extended to December 2019.
Funding towards tuition costs.
“We firmly believe our Pipes and Drums project will become a major asset to the wider achievement of all schools involved. We are indebted to SSPDT for their support and willingness to believe in our project and for their continued guidance.”
Head of Expressive Arts, John Paul Academy, Glasgow
Three years of matched funding towards drumming tuition costs.
Funding to each East Lothian pipe band towards piping and drumming tuition for young members.
Whilst SSPDT now funds schools tuition programmes, when it was set up in East Lothian as the East Lothian Pipes and Drums Trust we wanted to help local community pipe bands to attract young people, and so the Trust helped to fund evening tuition sessions for young people. Now we focus on schools. We know that, with enough young people learning in schools, community pipe bands will benefit as well from the influx of new players.
Matched funding towards piping and drumming tuition costs.
Matched funding across three years towards snare and tenor drumming tuition for over 50 pupils at Portree High School and feeder primary schools McDairmid and Portree, plus pipe band workshops for pupils from across Skye. In August 2023, funding was awarded towards the purchase of pipe band drums.
We’re pleased that High Life Highland are now employing a full time drumming tutor, a post underwritten by SSPDT, to bring drumming tuition to pupils on a sustained basis.
Three years of matched funding towards piping and drumming tuition for 80 pupils at Tynecastle High School and its feeder primary schools Balgreen, Stenhouse and Dalry, with further matched funding awarded in August 2022. In addition, the loan of ten sets of bagpipes each in 2017 and 2018.
This tuition programme was set up by SSPDT, and is now run by a committee; the Tynecastle Youth Community Pipe Band Support Group.
“I saw the memorial march through Gorgie today and could have sworn the pipe band at the front were wearing the Tynecastle uniform. The people involved were talented, well turned out and showed the maturity and respect the occasion deserves. They were a credit to your school. Well done.”
Local spectator at the Armistice memorial march in Gorgie, Edinburgh
Matched funding over three years towards the costs of a new schools pipe band programme, and in April 2023 further funding was awarded to match fund the costs of piping and drumming tuition.
August 2022: The loan of 35 sets of bagpipes over three years.
This programme is the first time pupils in South Lanarkshire schools have received tuition for the pipes and drums. We are very pleased that the William Grant Foundation, recognising the benefit of this programme to the young people, has chosen to partner the programme by awarding further grant funding towards the costs of tuition.
“We’re delighted to be involved in this initiative, with our young people receiving pipes and drums tuition. We’re acutely aware of the benefits for young people who play in a band: teamwork, resilience and discipline are just some of the transferable skills gained, which will help in academic study and future careers.”
Andy Smith, Head Teacher, Larkhall Academy
Matched funding for three years towards the costs of drumming tuition in a cluster of primary schools feeding into Kilmarnock High School and James Hamilton Academy, and in October 2019 we awarded a further three years of funding towards the Kilmarnock Schools Pipe Band programme.
We were delighted that Virgin Money agreed to sponsor this programme for 3 years and funded the costs of the piping instructor. Within ten months of tuition starting, a small band performed at an Edinburgh Festival event, which was also sponsored by Virgin Money. A tremendous opportunity for the young people!
“East Ayrshire Council Education Department is extremely grateful to SSPDT for all their support and guidance in setting up a wonderful partnership opportunity to develop piping and drumming in the Kilmarnock area.”
John Wilson, Senior Education Manager, East Ayrshire Council
“We’re delighted to be involved in this initiative, with our young people receiving pipes and drums tuition. We’re acutely aware of the benefits for young people who play in a band: teamwork, resilience and discipline are just some of the transferable skills gained, which will help in academic study and future careers.”
Andy Smith, Head Teacher, Larkhall Academy
Three years funding for 6 practice chanters in year 1 and subsequently to help fund trips to band events to inspire pupils.
Matched funding towards first year costs of a new schools pipe band programme at Berwickshire High School and feeder primary schools.
March 2022: We awarded a further two years of matched funding towards tuition costs, and in August 2022 we awarded the loan of 22 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Matched funding across three years towards the costs of a new trainee drumming instructor, to deliver lessons in schools and to develop the Lewis and Harris Youth Pipe Band.
Funding across three years to match fund the salary costs of 0.5FT and 0.3FT piping and drumming tutors at Perth Grammar School and associated primary schools.
Matched funding over two years towards the costs of a new schools pipe band programme at Forres Academy and feeder primary schools. In November 2022 we awarded matched funding towards a new Moray-wide scheme which could reach most, if not all, schools in the area.
In August 2020 we awarded the loan of 33 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Three years of matched funding towards free piping and drumming tuition at Barrhead High School and primary schools Springhill and Auchenback, Carlibar, St Luke’s, St Mark’s and St John’s, plus band practice at Carlibar.
July 2018: The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes for three years.
Matched funding across three years towards tuition, travel and band practice across the Blairgowrie High School cluster.
November 2022: The loan of 30 sets of pipes over three years.
“SSPDT have been fundamental in the success of the project and the inclusion of all the young people learning the pipes and drums.”
Ian Broughton, Former Chair, Garnock Valley Pipes and Drums
The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes to support the development of a Falkirk Schools Pipe Band, and in January 2020 we awarded three years of matched funding towards drumming tuition costs.
November 2022: The loan of a further 10 sets of pipes over three years.
Matched funding across three years towards a new pipe band programme at Braeview Academy and Fintry, Mills of Mains, Longhaugh, and Ballumbie primary schools.
March 2020: The loan of 45 sets of pipes over three years, and in February 2023 we awarded matched funding to support the Dundee Schools Pipe Band to take part in the StraMu-Wuerzburg festival.
This tuition programme has proved very popular in an area where take-up of other instruments has been low. Find out more about the DD4 pipe band in this short video.
A grant to purchase a set of pipe band drums, and the loan of 12 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Teachers at Stromness Academy have been working towards setting up a pipe band for some time. SSPDT has been able to help with the provision of loaned pipes and a set of pipe band drums.
A start-up grant for one year to support presentations to pupils, a Kick Start weekend, and club/band practice for one year.
December 2019: The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes over three years, and since then we have also awarded funding towards e-chanter(s) and drumming equipment.
SSPDT worked with local parents and teachers to set up this programme, and provided some Start Up funding to get it going.
Matched funding across three years towards piping and drumming tuition in up to six rural primary schools feeding into Girvan High School.
Further matched funding was awarded in November 2018 towards the tuition programme, and this was then reallocated to the Girvan Youth Pipe Band Association as of October 2019, which is managing the programme going forward.
Girvan used to have a community pipe band. With this injection of tuition into schools we hope that, in time, the band might reform. The William Grant Foundation provided three year funding with SSPDT and the council to get this programme started.
The loan of 50 sets of pipes for two years.
The loan of four sets of bagpipes for two years.
“I’ve seen kids come in here with no self confidence and witnessed the changes that learning an instrument can bring about. It’s amazing to see what piping and drumming can do – learning a skill, making friendships that will last a lifetime, being part of something.”
Iain Watson – Piping Tutor, Govan Schools
Matched funding over three years towards the costs of a new schools pipe band programme.
“We firmly believe our Pipes and Drums project will become a major asset to the wider achievement of all schools involved. We are indebted to SSPDT for their support and willingness to believe in our project and for their continued guidance.”
Head of Expressive Arts, John Paul Academy, Glasgow
Matched funding across three years towards piping and drumming tuition for 50 pupils at two primary schools and Sanquhar Academy.
There is a proud history of pipe bands in this post-industrial area. SSPDT provided three year support for tuition at Sanquhar Academy and its cluster primary schools.
The loan of 10 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Matched funding towards one day of drumming tuition and related travel costs, supporting 25+ pupils, complementing council funded piping tuition, with an additional year of funding awarded in December 2017. In November 2021, three-year matched funding was awarded to the Tobermory High School Pipe Band to continue the support of drumming tuition, centred in the school.
By funding drumming tuition on Mull, schools were able to create a pipe band.
Matched funding across three years towards piping and drumming tuition.
Only a few years ago, there was no pipe band in Govan – watch this short video about the origins of the Govan tuition programme. At the 2022 Scottish Pipe Band Championships, the Govan Schools and Community Pipe Band became Grade 4B Scottish Champions as a band and as a drum corp – a fantastic achievement!
“I’ve seen kids come in here with no self confidence and witnessed the changes that learning an instrument can bring about. It’s amazing to see what piping and drumming can do – learning a skill, making friendships that will last a lifetime, being part of something.”
Iain Watson – Piping Tutor, Govan Schools
Funding for the salary of a piping tutor for one year, working in Banff Academy and five feeder primary schools.
In July 2018: The loan of six new sets of pipes, with small bags and adjustable pipes, for young children.
SSPDT helped introduce piping for the first time in Aberdeenshire schools by funding a piping tutor for Banff Academy and its feeder primary schools. Demand to learn was huge with over 140 pupils opting in. After that, SSPDT partnered with Aberdeenshire Council to fund a full time piping tutor and a part time drumming tutor who work across three schools clusters. The Aberdeenshire Schools Pipe Band launched in 2017.
“In my past role as a head teacher I have seen how a pipe band not only develops the skills for life, learning and work, but can also help to close the attainment gap.”
Andrew Ritchie, Lead Officer for Developing the Young Workforce in Aberdeenshire and former head teacher of Banff Academy
The loan of 27 sets of pipes over three years.
“I am absolutely thrilled with the progress that every student has made over the last year and I am really looking forward to what this year will bring. I fully anticipate to have a small drum corps formed during this time and will continually strive to achieve the very best for the Pilrig Park High School project.”
David Murray – Drumming Tutor
The loan of 7 sets of bagpipes over three years.
The loan of 20 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Funding towards the purchase of pipe band drums for the Junior Band, which involves children from four different school clusters in the region.
Matched funding towards drumming tuition for one year at Sgoil Lionacleit and six feeder primary schools, with additional matched funding awarded in February 2023. Matched funding was also awarded in 2019 towards drumming workshops.
August 2020: The loan of 12 sets of bagpipes to e-Sgoil for the Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band.
We are pleased to have helped Sgoil Lionacleit form a development corps with our grant towards drumming tuition.
Watch Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band’s 2nd place Freestyle performance from the 2020 Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships here.
The loan of 4 sets of bagpipes for two years to support primary school pupils learning to play at Youth Music Initiative sessions in Broughton, Forrester, and Craigroyston High schools, and at Merchiston Castle School and Parkside Primary School.
A grant towards Kick Start weekends and club/ band practice for pupils at Elgin High School, and Greenwards, New Elgin, Linkwood, Mosstowie primary schools.
August 2020: The loan of 48 sets of bagpipes over three years.
A grant to match fund the costs of a Piper in Residence, for one day per week, from August 2021 for one year.
SSPDT was delighted to support East Lothian Council’s first Piper in Residence as part of their Musician in Residence Scheme. Find out more about the scheme and hear from the pupils involved in this short video.
“I am very grateful to SSPDT for the loan of bagpipes. For some pupils, accessing their own pipes would be a financial impossibility and so the loan is a highly practical and important way of supporting piping among our young people. The pipes are high-quality and will be much appreciated by our pupils in Dumfries and Galloway.”
Allan MacMillan, ex-Trustee & Tutor, SWSPDA
Matched funding across three years towards tuition, travel and band practice across the Kinross High School cluster.
November 2022: The loan of 50 sets of pipes over three years.
Funding across three years towards drumming and piping tuition and pipe band workshops for 24 secondary school pupils and primary school pupils.
Whilst piping and drumming in central Stirling schools is flourishing, McLaren High School struggled to find drumming tuition or enough piping tuition to support a band. So sixth former pupils started to teach younger pupils at the high school and SSPDT stepped in with three year funding that has extended tuition out to the primary schools – in a catchment area that spans 700 square miles!
Funding across three years towards drumming tuition costs.
Matched funding across three years towards piping and drumming tuition at Rothesay Academy and primary schools Rothesay, St Andrew’s and North Bute.
Funding towards the cost of e-chanter(s) and speakers to enable face to face teaching.
Funding for one year towards drumming tuition in eight primary schools and Ullapool High School and Gairloch High School.
In August 2016 we awarded funding for a further two years towards drumming tuition at these schools, plus pipe band practice.
Funding towards pupil travel costs involved in participating in the Sgoil Lionacleit Pipe Band, and in July 2021 matched funding was awarded for three years towards piping tuition costs.
“Provision of chanter and piping tuition equips youngsters with musical skills and forges inter-island creative links. Our young people carry forward the traditional music and culture of our islands.”
Suzanne Forman, Head Teacher, Castlebay Community School
“Young people of all ages and all abilities have benefited immeasurably from the pipe band programme at Prestonpans schools. Not only do students learn the skills of piping and/ or drumming, but they also learn many complex skills, such as teamwork, resilience, flexibility and self discipline.”
Gavin Clark, Head Teacher, Preston Lodge High School
Two years of matched funding towards tuition fees for drumming at Auchtertyre and Kyle Primary Schools and Plockton High School.
In January 2018 we awarded a further one year of matched funding towards drumming tuition, to get development corps started for up to 30 additional pupils interested in drumming.
We’re pleased that High Life Highland are now employing a full time drumming tutor, a post underwritten by SSPDT, to bring drumming tuition to pupils on a sustained basis.
The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Matched funding towards drumming tuition and band practice for over 50 pupils from P4 to S5 in five primary schools and Kilwinning and Garnock Academies, plus a grant in September 2016 towards a one-day piping and drumming workshop.
A grant towards the purchase of pipe band drums.
The Balfron High School Pipe Band performed at the Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships for the first time in 2018 and won their category!
A grant to match fund the costs of a Piper in Residence, for one day per week, from August 2021 for one year.
SSPDT was delighted to support East Lothian Council’s first Piper in Residence as part of their Musician in Residence Scheme. Find out more about the scheme and hear from the pupils involved in this short video.
The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes over three years.
Salaried tuition posts funded by the Colonel James Gardiner Memorial Fund.
September 2016: Funding towards the costs of drums.
This is the Trust’s earliest schools pipe band programme. The school now fields a Development, Novice Juvenile and Juvenile band and the pupils compete in major national and international competitions. All the pupils who have graduated from the school and the pipe bands have achieved positive destinations in work, training or further education.
“Young people of all ages and all abilities have benefited immeasurably from the pipe band programme at Prestonpans schools. Not only do students learn the skills of piping and/ or drumming, but they also learn many complex skills, such as teamwork, resilience, flexibility and self discipline.”
Gavin Clark, Head Teacher, Preston Lodge High School
“Our project evolved from a chance conversation with a member of the local pipe band at a Burns’ Supper and is now a fantastic, fully-fledged (and pledged) programme. We have huge community wide support, with schools being central to this.”
James O’Neil, Former Faculty Head of Music, Arran High School
Matched funding across three years towards drumming workshops for bass, tenor and snare, and Skype lessons with DT Percussion.
Grant now closed.
A grant to introduce a pilot project delivered with the National Piping Centre in partnership with the Parent Council and the school.
July 2017: Three year matched funding to Pilrig Park School towards piping and drumming tuition, with further awarded in May 2022, and the loan of 2 sets of bagpipes for three years from 2019.
There is no music teacher at this secondary school for pupils with additional support needs. We are thrilled that pupils are now thoroughly enjoying their piping and drumming lessons.
Watch talented drummer, Hamish Wood, from Pilrig Park School here.
“I am absolutely thrilled with the progress that every student has made over the last year and I am really looking forward to what this year will bring. I fully anticipate to have a small drum corps formed during this time and will continually strive to achieve the very best for the Pilrig Park High School project.”
David Murray – Drumming Tutor
Three years of matched funding towards pipe band tuition for 150 pupils at Garnock Community Campus Secondary and its feeder primary schools: Garnock Community Campus, Dalry, Moorpark, Beith and Gateside.
March 2019: The loan of 17 sets of bagpipes over three years, and in January 2020 we awarded further matched funding towards programme tuition costs.
“SSPDT have been fundamental in the success of the project and the inclusion of all the young people learning the pipes and drums.”
Ian Broughton, Former Chair, Garnock Valley Pipes and Drums
The loan of 9 sets of bagpipes over three years.
May 2019: Matched funding for three years towards tuition costs, and in March 2022 we awarded matched funding to support piping and drumming Saturday workshops to bring pupils together from across Dumfries and Galloway.
“I am very grateful to SSPDT for the loan of bagpipes. For some pupils, accessing their own pipes would be a financial impossibility and so the loan is a highly practical and important way of supporting piping among our young people. The pipes are high-quality and will be much appreciated by our pupils in Dumfries and Galloway.”
Allan MacMillan, ex-Trustee & Tutor, SWSPDA
Funding across three years towards piping tuition and tutor travel costs for ten pupils at Tiree High School and Primary School.
September 2018: The loan of 6 sets of bagpipes for three years, and in December 2019 the loan of a further 6 sets.
It is sometimes hard to find tutors for the islands. Skype lessons are often used, along with bi-weekly or monthly visits to the island, but travel is expensive and often disrupted by the weather! We are delighted that the pupils on Tiree now have a tutor living on the island, and are well on the way to a re-formed pipe band!
Matched funding towards drumming and piping tuition and in-school workshops for over 130 pupils from P4 to P7 in 15 primary schools. In addition, four sets of bagpipes on loan for two years.
Funding towards the purchase of 50 e-chanters to unlock online face-to-face teaching in 39 schools – both one to one and in pairs and small groups – in Argyll and Bute.
“I saw the memorial march through Gorgie today and could have sworn the pipe band at the front were wearing the Tynecastle uniform. The people involved were talented, well turned out and showed the maturity and respect the occasion deserves. They were a credit to your school. Well done.”
Local spectator at the Armistice memorial march in Gorgie, Edinburgh
Matched funding spread across three years towards tuition and band practice costs, and to support the development of an Inverclyde Schools Pipe Band, in partnership with another philanthropic co-funder.
Funding across two years to underwrite a new full time drumming post to bring tuition to all the primary schools and secondary schools in Lochalsh and on the Isle of Skye.
In March 2019 we awarded funding for three years to underwrite a new snare drumming post for North East Highland Schools.
In March 2023, we awarded the loan of 20 sets of pipes over three years for Ullapool and Gairloch High Schools and associated primary schools.
The loan of 13 sets of bagpipes to the Lewis and Harris Youth Pipe Band.
In March 2019, the loan of a further 7 sets of bagpipes and in October 2019, the loan of a further 20 sets, bringing the total to 40.
Matched funding over two years towards piping and drumming tuition in Linwood High School, Johnstone High School and St Benedict’s High School and feeder primary schools.
SSPDT first partnered Johnstone Pipe Band to bring tuition to schools in Johnstone and Linwood, and the programme expanded from there. We then partnered Renfrewshire Council, and in 2018 Renfrewshire Council decided to take the programme in-house so that the piping and drumming tutors become part of their team. Over 240 pupils are now receiving weekly piping tuition.
Watch Renfrewshire Schools’ 3rd place Freestyle performance from the 2020 Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships here.
“We’ve been absolutely delighted with the uptake and progress of pupils in two areas that had previously proved extremely tricky for our Music Service to recruit in.”
Morag Currie – Former Youth Music Development Officer, Renfrewshire Council
Three years of matched funding towards piping and drumming tuition in Arran High School and seven feeder primary schools (Lamlash, Whiting Bay, Brodick, Kilmory, Shiskine, Corrie and Pirnmill).
In August 2021 we awarded a further three years of matched funding to support the Isle of Arran Schools’ Pipe Band tuition programme, and in April 2023 we awarded funding towards summer workshops for piping and drumming pupils.
In May 2022 we awarded the loan of 12 sets of pipes over three years.
“Our project evolved from a chance conversation with a member of the local pipe band at a Burns’ Supper and is now a fantastic, fully-fledged (and pledged) programme. We have huge community wide support, with schools being central to this.”
James O’Neil, Former Faculty Head of Music, Arran High School
Three years of matched funding towards piping and drumming tuition, and to support the development of the North West Community Campus School Pipe Band.
Funding towards band practice for one year at Moffat Academy to develop a schools pipe band.
December 2019: The loan of 12 sets of bagpipes over three years, and in March 2022 we awarded three years of matched funding to the SWSPDA towards piping and drumming tuition at Moffat Academy, and to support the development of the Moffat Academy and Beattock Cluster Schools Pipe Band.
“We’ve been absolutely delighted with the uptake and progress of pupils in two areas that had previously proved extremely tricky for our Music Service to recruit in.”
Morag Currie – Former Youth Music Development Officer, Renfrewshire Council
Matched funding towards the costs of piping and drumming instruction at Knox Academy and cluster primary schools, together with travel costs.
Matched funding across three years towards the costs of a new pipe band programme at Whitehill Secondary School and Alexandra Parade, Golfhill and Haghill primary schools. In addition, the loan of up to ten sets of bagpipes for a period of three years.
Glasgow is the home of the World Championships, yet so far there is very little tuition available to pupils in schools. This project, focused on a learning community in inner city Glasgow aims to form a schools pipe band.
“Historically Whitehill has been extremely difficult to get take-up for instruments like strings or brass. The pipes and drums programme is oversubscribed with over 100 pupils wanting to join in. Take-up is excellent and we’ve not had any drop-outs… the children are sticking with it.”
Pam Black , Manager of Glasgow City Council Instrumental Music Service
Funding for one year, administered by the Vale of Atholl Pipe Band, towards piping and drumming tuition at Crieff High School and five feeder primary schools.
SSPDT helped to fund tuition delivered by the Vale of Atholl Pipe Band for one year, and we are delighted that the school now engages tutors for the pupils.
Funding towards the start up costs of a piping and drumming tuition programme at Tarbert Academy and Tarbert and Clachan primary schools.
May 2018: The loan of 10 sets of bagpipes over three years.
“There is a great desire for tuition in the area and the funding from SSPDT will allow us to deliver this to our eager, and talented, young people!”
Alison MacBride, Fèis an Tairbeirt
A grant to fund Kick Start costs and band practice for one year for Lossiemouth High School and four feeder primary schools.
November 2018: The loan of 15 sets of bagpipes over three years.
SSPDT planned and set up this tuition programme with a local committee, and provided Start Up funds, and guidance.
“Not only does the programme develop musical talent, it is very encouraging to see new friendships being formed and pupils are increasingly developing in confidence.”
Fiona Caldwell, Piping Tutor, Lossiemouth and District Schools Pipes and Drums Band