The Trust aims to advance education the arts, heritage, culture and community development by encouraging young people in Scotland to take up and play the chanter, pipes and drums; and by supporting the development of school pipe bands. In doing so, the Trust supports young people to broaden their education, in particular their musical and social skills.
We are prepared to consider funding from £250 to £5,000. We generally require organisations to have additional project funding in place that matches, or exceeds the value of your SSPDT grant, i.e. we will fund up to 50% of your total project cost.
There are no closing dates. You can apply any time but we need to receive your application at least 3 months before you’d like to start your project to give us time to assess it, tell you our decision and start your grant if you are successful.
You can apply if your organisation is a:
When we assess your application we’ll consider:
You make your application any time.
When we receive your application, we may contact you to discuss it.
We’ll let you know our decision within 12 weeks of receiving a complete application.
If we offer you funding we’ll send your legally responsible contact a conditional grant offer in the post which has to be signed and returned to us within 28 days of the date of the letter.
We’ll also require details of the bank account into which you want funding to be paid. Voluntary and community organisations and schools which have their own bank account also need to provide a copy of a bank statement.
When we’ve got everything back from you and checked it’s all OK, we’ll let you know when you’ll receive our funding.
(If you don’t return everything requested by our deadline, or if there is a problem with providing the information that we can’t resolve with you, we may withdraw our conditional grant offer.)
You must retain all receipts and evidence of expenditure. We will ask that you provide reports and the format for these will be detailed in your grant offer letter.
You can apply again to SSPDT however we would ask that you change or strengthen your application. You can discuss your ideas with one of our team.
If you have any questions please email SSPDT on the Contact page.